Monday, April 29, 2019

Grand Canyon with kids?

For Kids?
  1. Pack the book, Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park, Bob Teri, 2014 for reference about the Grand Canyon as you explore.
  2. Become a Junior Ranger, ask at the visitor center for a Junior Ranger brochure and read Grand Canyon National Park Field Guide, Katie parker, 2019.
  3. Ride the train from Williams to the Grand Canyon and back again. On the train you’ll get to experience a real train robbery. Bring along Great Grand Canyon Time Trail by Susan Lowell, 2011 and, if you can find it, Case of the Great Train Robbery, Rae Bains, 1982. And when the kids get restless, get out the Puzzlers Guide to the Great Canyon Kristy McGowan, 2002 and Grand Canyon Plants and Animals Coloring Book, Dot Barlowe, 2010.
  4. Take a ride on a mule along the canyon rim and read Mule Train Mail, Craig Brown, 2009.
  5. Walk the 2.8m Trail of Time where each marker represents a million years. It’s a good visual and physical way to learn about geology. Read Grand Canyon by Jason Chin, 2017 for an introduction to the canyon including the geology.
  6. Visit the Tusayan Ruin to learn about human history in the Canyon. Read Life Among the Anasazi by Rachel Stuckey, 2016.

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